Our Mission
Our hunt for good music never stops, and we’ll share what we find here with you. Whether it’s live or recorded, from Connecticut or elsewhere, there’s only one thing you’ll find here: music worth listening to.
Who We Are
mvsicthovght is brought to you from the hearts of music snobs in the Nutmeg state. Meet the team.
Michael Stroneski
Confused by the lack of skyscapers in suburban Connecticut and determined to put his city on the map as far back as he can remember, Mike reps hard for the Constitution state. A life long music fan with all the energy to be in a band but none of the talent or determination, he’s been writing about music sporadically since 2010 when he began his first blog. Mike’s favorite genre’s are hip hop , indie rock, and it’s many sub-genres. His favorite band is Bloc Party and his favorite rapper is A$AP Rocky.
Carmine Colangelo
A monthly mvsicthovght contributor, Carmine Colangelo is a lifelong resident of Connecticut with a background in journalism and awesome design taste.
Get in touch.
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